Free Stories Set In The World Of For Those In Peril On The Sea ***Many of these short stories are now available in an anthology called Zombies Can't Swim And Other Tales Of the Undead by Colin M. Drysdale. This is available in paperback or as a Kindle ebook. For more information on this anthology, click here.***
1. Last Flight Out (2,559 words): This is a story about one man's attempted escape after being marooned at at airfield during an outbreak of the Haitian Rabies Virus (HRV) in Scotland. It was written to fit in with events mentioned in the sequel to For Those In Peril On The Sea which the author is currently working on. Click here to download it. 2. The Girl At Little Harbour (6,869 words): One of the most memorable scenes from For Those In Peril On The Sea is the one set in a container on the beach at Little Harbour. It's the one everyone talks about. My editor told me it haunted her for days after she read it for the first time. In the book, it's a bit of a mystery as to where the girl they find living in the container came from. I'd thought about writing her back story into the book itself but it didn't really fit in, so I've written it here as a stand-alone piece. Click here to download it. If you're familiar with the book you'll see where this dove-tails into the main story. If not, it also works on its own. 3. The Wall (2,961 words): This is the story of a man who is guarding a wall that's been hastily erected to try and contain an outbreak of the Hatian Rabies Virus (HRV) in Scotland. Like Last Flight Out, it was written to fit in with events mentioned in the sequel to For Those In Peril On The Sea which the author is currently working on. Interestingly, it also fits in with Last Flight Out itself which mentions this wall. The wall itself is based on an ancient Roman fortification called Hadrian's Wall. The narrator of this story tells the reader about events and devastation he as observed as he guards the wall to stop anyone who might have the infection get over it. Click here to download it. This story is accompanied by an interactive map to help the reader explore the location where it's set. This can be downloaded from here, but you will need to have either Google Earth or a Google Earth app if you want to view it. 4. Zombies Can't Swim (2,026 words): This story was inspired by a photograph of a real sign I came across in the web that was genuinely used as advertising in a boat yard and proclaimed 'Zombies Can't Swim, Get a Boat'. Looking into this a further it seems such signs are not as uncommon as you might think. I don't know if several people have independently come up with the same slogan or if there was one original that all the others have copied but either way it struck me as a great title for a story, and it was one I couldn't resist writing. Click here to download a PDF of this story. I've included this story both in this section and the one for stories that feature traditional rises-from-the-dead zombies as it seems to fall into both these categories. 5. Apocalypse Apartments Incorporated (1,677 words): The story of how one man's attempt to keep his family home afloat leads to him becoming the only one who's completely safe and secure when the Haitian Rabies Virus (HRV) takes over the world. Yet, being so safe is oh so boring when you're the only one who is there to enjoy it. Click here to download a PDF of this story. 6. Rendezvous (2,600 words): The story of a man who never gives up hope of being reunited with the woman he loves after they become separated while trying to escape from the infected. Click here to download a PDF of this story. 7. The Need To Know (2,934 words): This is the story of a woman driven to find out what happened to the man she loves after they become separated while trying to escape from the infected. If this sounds rather similar to Rendezvous (story number 6), this is because it's the same story told from the woman's point of view. Between them, these two stories explore how events like natural disasters and war not only kill people, but tear them apart, and this can cause psychological scars which are as deep and painful as any physical ones. Click here to download a PDF of this story. |
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